Camping Axe vs Hatchet

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Camping Axe vs Hatchet

Over many generations, axes and saws are one of the many tools brought during camps. They can be used in many ways. But several newbie campers have been wondering about the differences between camping ax vs hatchet vs saw. In this article, you can read important details regarding your questions and will help you choose the right gear to be used during your camp.

Camping Axe vs Hatchet vs Saw

Both camping axe and a hatchet have almost the same features, unlike the camping saw. Despite that, all essential for camping. It only depends on your skills on how you will use each tool.

A saw has a customizable feature on its structure but still serves as collecting material for woods, plastics, metals, and constructing little camps. It is far easier and conserves energy than chopping things with a hatchet and axe. Although, a hatchet and the axe are more versatile than a saw.

On the other side, an axe is preferred to be used in a two-hand job while the hatchet is commonly for a one-hand job. It varies depending on the type of axe, its width, and the sharpness of the edge to make use of maximum striking control.

Both axe and hatchet can cut down trees, splitting or flattening lumber and firewood. But the hatchet has a smaller handle with a hammerhead at the opposite side of the sharped edge that is only for a small and light workload just like the camping saw.

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What is a camping axe?

Camping axe, hand axe, ax, or hand tools are the same terms. They are often used by campers because it is portable and made from lightweight wood and strong bronze or iron blades. This type of axe is not typically good for chopping a large chunk of wood, thick ropes, or used for a heavy workload. Hence, it works best for chopping, piercing, trimming small branches, and other purposes.

What is a hatchet?

A hatchet is considered as an axe, but only a diminutive version with a shorter handle and attached head. This is typically for one-hand use. Hatchet is crafted with a piece of wood and steel that has a sharp blade on one edge and a hammerhead on the opposite side.

Ideally, hatchets are for chopping, splinting small branches or pieces of wood. Since hatchets are small, they are easily handled specially in steep places. Plus, it does not require much effort to carry around or to the backswing.

What is a saw?

A camping saw is constructed with a customized figure that is like a regular saw. This is commonly used for cutting thin woods, plastics, small branches of trees, build a small camp, cut bushes, and other camping purposes.

In campers who dwell in forest areas, it is essential to bring a saw for it is very small and easy to store even in your pockets. A saw also saves a lot of effort from chopping off some woods with an axe or hatchet. The only downside with camping saw is it not advisable to use it on thick and heavy loads of wood.


Are There Any Alternatives to Carrying an Axe?

There are numerous options when you do not have an axe for camping. One of them is the folding saw. It is a type of saw which is lightweight, convenient, and handy. Aside from its capability to be stored easily, it can also fit in your pocket without the danger of being pricked because it has a plastic covering that keeps its sharp steels protected.

Otherwise, you can bring a hatchet that is similar to axes, but with shorter handles. Just like the folding saw, the hatchet is also lightweight and handy. They are useful for cutting woods for cooking, campfires, or building camps.

Axe or Saw for Survival – Which is Better?

For several years of discussing the outdoor camps surviving skills, there are many gears involved. But the most intriguing topic is in between the axe and the saw. Based on many experiences and reviews from campers or travelers, either of the 2 is important. Thus, both gears have pros and cons.

In talking about axes, it is anchored to different types such as hatchets, tomahawks, etc. Axe’s blade is easy to sharpen without sharpening steel, the blade is tough to break, if the handle breaks you can get recycle some wood as an alternative.

Aside from that, axes are used for self-defense, as a hammer, for cutting tasks, for creating sparks for fires, and many more. The only cons of an axe are it can be difficult to carry once a hand is injured, some types of axe are heavy, requires a lot of power when cutting woods, and lastly, axes are quite expensive.

Now for the saw, the advantage is it is cheaper than axe. It requires less power in cutting woods, can be handled even if your hand is injured, compact and lightweight, cuts precisely, and safer than using an axe. But the disadvantage of a saw, it is difficult to sharpen without sharpening steel, and the blade or teeth may break which makes it unfunctional.


So, have you already decided on the better tool to bring during camps? Camping axe vs hatchet vs saw are all recommended for surviving on camps. It helps you cut, split, or build small camps using branches of trees, bushes, leaves, and other available resources in the area. In the end, the only thing you need to remember is which suits your skills in handling these kinds of tools.

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