What should be used to screw on broadhead arrows?

What should be used to screw on broadhead

Very sharp broadheads are vital for the killing game. In this post, let us look into the ways to effectively screw on a broadhead arrow.

For starters, let us examine the primary gear one will need, broadheads. These are typically the choice for large game hunting.

To have great kill ratios, one needs to know how to screw broadhead arrows properly. This is vital since it can be potentially dangerous if not done properly.

The Use of Glue

Glue or a good adhesive is easily the most widely used and easy way to screw on broadhead arrows. You can either opt for cold or hot glue.

Hot GlueM

Outdoorsmen opt for hot glue since it is both easy to apply and quite effective. Hot glue works well with fixed broadheads, as opposed to screw-on variants.

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Broadhead arrows fastened with hot glue are also easy to remove simply by using a heater.
It is ideal for those that replace their broadhead arrows frequently. While it is relatively easy to remove a broadhead, you have to use a low heat source to minimize damage.

Heat sources can ruin the blade tip, damaging the broadhead.
To protect the steel, a spirit lamp or alcohol burner are safe alternatives. The broadhead will stay undamaged but the glue will come off. This is also safe for ceramic-coated heads.

– It is easy to align
– This method is inexpensive
– It is a popular method
– It is effortless to remove

– Equipment needed (glue gun)
– Burns could occur
– Excessive heat could damage metal

Cold Glue

Cold glue is also popularly used. Simply connect the broadhead arrow to the shaft with a good, strong glue.
This is a popular way that archers in tournaments use. It is not so as well suited in bowhunting.

What should be used to screw on broadhead arrows

While it is quick and easy, changing the broadhead becomes difficult. Due to this, alignment of the broadhead is crucial on the shaft as it is difficult to correct.

– Easy and needs not equipment
– Safe and fast
– You can fix errors before the glue hardens
– Minimized risk of damage

– Alignment is crucial
– Hard to correct once glue sets
– The broadhead arrow can turn breakable

Generally, if you are in no rush, it is recommended that you use hot glue. It will all really depend on your needs and time constraints.

Using Rivets

This is a great method to use for attaching a broadhead arrow to a shaft. For this option one will use a broadhead wrench along with a specially made screw.

It is a straightforward process that is easy to follow since a manual is provided with the tools.


On will use nylon rope or a ring to fasten the arrowhead to a shaft. Proper tying is crucial for this. If proper care is not taken the blade might fall off inadvertently.

Broadheads And The Risks Involved
Hunting equipment is dangerous in the wrong hands. Broadheads can be deadly if they are not used properly.

They are meant to kill and will inflict much harm. When bow hunting, they are great for hunting large game.

If you go in the field, make certain the equipment is all properly calibrated. The Broadhead arrow is very sharp, so use it prudently.

Take a shot only when it is clear and relatively near your aim. In broadheads will cause serious harm if they are not handled by a seasoned hunter.

Super Sharp Blades

The broadhead blades are razor-sharp. If you opt to screw them on, use a broadhead wrench so you do not accidentally cut a finger.

Whenever you sharpen the blade, use strokes that move away from your body. Always safely stow it away when not in use.

Making Clean Kills

There are just a few things to do to ensure a clean kill. Always aim for the vital organs. A broadhead to the heart or lungs will kill the animal fast.

Do not target the liver or the guts, as this will just cause suffering and slow demise of the animal.

How to Aim Properly

A seasoned hunter will avoid steep angled and frontal aiming. These angles can be hit from afar, but they will not be fatal most of the time.

You will likely hit the skeletal area or parts that will not kill. The animal could even still escape.

It is good to be patient to wait for the optimal shot. Go for a broadside angle so you get a double lung injury. Always keep in mind that with a large game, do not target when the angle is narrow.

A clean shot will be very difficult. Stay away from a rear angle and frontal shots always.

Muscles in the front of the animal get in the way of broadheads penetrating vital organs. Likewise, steep-angled shots have been notoriously known to veer away as they deflect.

This is quite the case with a mechanical broadhead.

These mechanical broadheads retract as you release, and open when they hit the target. During some instances, a blade opens ahead of the others, causing the tip to deflect.

The result could be a shot that is missed.

When targeting the vital organs, a blade could get to the ribs, causing the arrow to lose power. The blade could travel to the armpit, resulting in an ineffective shot.

When this happens you have failed to hit vital tissue that can down the animal.

See more articles in the category: Hunting

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